Protect What Matters Most

For all your life insurance and investment needs.

Pellentesque odio aliquam vitae amet, elementum at urna facilisis purus, integer nam libero pharetra viverra et dolor tellus, eget commodo tellus tempus vitae.

What We Do

We help you to understand risk and build wealth.

You can feel more confident by protecting what’s important to you.
Let’s choose the investments to help you live the life you want.
Similar to the Bank On Yourself® concept, the Infinite Banking Concept® uses participating (also known as dividend-paying).
Get the information you need to help make decisions with confidence.

Insurance Products

A tax-free, lump sum goes to your beneficiaries, if you pass away while covered
A tax-free, lump sum payment if you get a covered critical illness
Life insurance that never expires and grows with time

Disability Insurance

A tax-free, monthly payment if you can’t work due to an illness or injury

Travel Insurance

Make sure you’re covered in case of medical emergencies away from home

Mortgage Protection

Term Insurance to protect your mortgage

Health & Dental Insurance

It helps pay for things provincial health care plans don’t cover: prescription drugs, dental, hospital, vision, paramedical, and ambulance services.

Buy-Sell Agreements

Allows one business partner to use the life insurance death benefit to buy out a partner’s interests simply and quickly after the partner’s death.

Children's Insurance

Permanent coverage for your children from early ages

Investment Products


Annual Retirement Savings Plan(RRSP) contributions can reduce the amount of income tax you pay each year and provide a larger investment portfolio when you retire.


A Registered Education Savings Plan(RESP) is a flexible and convenient way to save for a child’s future post-seconday education


All the growth and flexibility you want. None of the taxes


An investment loan helps you take advantage of compound returns to boost your savings growth potential. Plus, interest charged on an investment loan is generally tax-deductible.


Partnerships with BMO, National Bank and Manulife Bank to provide the best competitive mortgage interest rates for our customers

Non-Registered Investments

Non-registered accounts are flexible, offer tax advantages, and have no contribution limits.

Infinite Banking

Become your own bank by re-engineering life insurance like big banks themselves do. This concept, commonly known as infinite banking or banking on yourself, is often over complicated or shrouded with mystery on the web. Our mission at Safe Haven Financial is to provide clearest and most comprehensive education on the family banking concept as well as how to properly structure whole life insurance as a base tool for this concept to work.
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